Broomehill Heritage Trail - Welcome!
Welcome to Broomehill, we hope you enjoy this peek into the past as you wander the Trail.
Through the QR codes on each trail panel, and with the support of the Broomehill Heritage Group, we hope to be able to present additional information in a variety of formats that extend your understanding of life in this small town in the early years.
To date we have found some gaps in our collection and will be working to fill these. In the meantime - enjoy your trip back in time!
Butchers Shop - India St Broomehill, c1930. Charles Alfred CORPE - the Butcher - second from left.

Hairdresser and Tobacconist J A Lee - c1905. The business was located in the vicinity of the (now) Broomehill Museum

Opening of the Broomehill Country Women's Association branch - c1958