A range of sporting and recreation pursuits are catered for within the Shire, with excellent facilities available for residents and visitors to utilise.
The Broomehill Recreational Complex facilities at 22820 Tie Line Road, Broomehill include a grassed, reticulated oval which currently hosts cricket and hockey, a synthetic bowling green, tennis courts and an 18 hole golf course with sand greens. The golf course provides a spectacle of wildflowers during spring. The pavilion facilities can accommodate a range of functions. Enquiries in relation to hiring of the facilities can be directed to the Broomehill Recreational Complex Committee .
The Tambellup Golf Club is situated on Rourke St, Tambellup. The course consists of 18 holes with sand greens, and visitors are welcome. Please contact Paul Cunningham on 98251315 for more information.
Facilities at the Tambellup Sports Ground at East Terrace, Tambellup, include tennis courts and a grassed reticulated oval catering for hockey, cricket and football. Recent developments at the Sports Ground have seen the construction of a new Sports Pavilion and 8-rink Bowling Green, and new cricket nets. The Pavilion is available for hire - please contact the Tambellup Community Pavilion Association for more information.