Shire Plans

The following documents are provided for the information of our residents and other stakeholders.  As projects develop, the relevant plans and other related information will be updated.

If you require further information on any of the documents, please contact the Shire on 9825 3555.

The following documents are provided for information
MARKYT Community Scorecard - 2023
Community Consultation is currently open on the following documents and Plans:
Tambellup Caravan Park Plans- Planning Application - consultation closes 10 July 2024
Community Consultation has closed on the following Plans:
Draft Tambellup Railway Precinct - Townscape Plans 

Adopted Corporate Plans

Local Heritage Survey Primary Report - 2023
Local Heritage Survey - 2023
Local Heritage List - 2023
'People Power'- Strategic Community Plan 2023-2033

'The Implementation of People Power'- Corporate Business Plan 2023-2027

Roads Hierarchy - 2023
Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2023-2027
Bushfire Risk Management Plan 2024-2026

Adopted Place-Based Plans

Broomehill Caravan Park - Five Year Plan
Broomehill Cemetery - Five Year Plan 
Broomehill Heritage Precinct Five Year Plan
Gordon River Walk Trail and Facilities - Five Year Plan 
Tambellup Caravan Park - Concept Plan
Tambellup Caravan Park - Concept Plan (Stage 1)
Tambellup Cemetery - Five Year Plan
Tambellup Youth Precinct Masterplan